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Signagi municipality:
administrative center of the municipality
Bodbe monastery
Сигнахи, Грузия
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Bodbe monastery is located in one of the most beautiful parts of Georgia - Kakheti, near the town of Sighnaghi . Here are the relics of St Nina, which is considered the great enlightener of Georgia. She came to Georgia with a cross from the vine, bonded hair girl, and was able to perform the ...
Vano Sarajishvili Memory Museum, Signagi
8 Vano Sarajishvili St, Signaghi, Georgia
House-museum of Niko Pirosmani
Sighnaghi, Georgia
Statue of Woman, Sighnaghi
Nikoloz Baratashvili street, Sighnaghi, Georgia
City Hall, Signaghi
The area of King David the Builder, Sighnaghi, Georgia
Wine Сellar, Sighnaghi
18 Baratashvili St, Sighnaghi, Georgia
Irodion Evdoshvili House Museum, Bodbiskhevi
Bodbiskhevi, Signaghi, Georgia
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